Tuesday, January 25, 2011

1st person

1st person
Today, the room PA came to wake us up because most of us was too tired to wake up with an alarm clock.
Just yesterday, non of my roomate heard the alarm so we woke up at 8:31 we were absolutly late but Mr.Urban didn't say anything to me. Yeah! I love Mr. Urban. Anyways we had pancake for brackfast and toast. Unluckly I was the one who was chosen randomly for doing presentation. I wasn't pleased with my presentation so I am going to upgrade it untill tomorrow. I only have about 3days before the camp is finished so I should work really hard. I'm planning to ask my parents if I can come to this camp for the summer too.

Thursday, January 20, 2011


My dear jung gi coms out~~~~
I love him he acts really good !!
Isn't he hansome?
One of my favorate drama called Sun Gun Gwan Skan

Diamante Poems!

Diamante Poems!

                                                                         Ice cream
sweet, tasty
eating, tasting, smiling
looking, drinking, enjoying
delicious, pretty
hot chocolate

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

funniest cat viral video. Arn't they pretty? I love cats 
It's so funny, cats hitting dogs. Cats doing exercise etc.
cats jumping around. I love animals^^
Isn't he soooo cute?  He is a  world star~ I love him
He is hansome and smart. Also he is good at acting.
He is going sung Gun Gan University and that is one of the famous university in Korea.
When he smiles, i think all the girls will fly to heaven!!!!!!!!

Thursday, January 13, 2011


Introducing Korea.
Majestic mountains, pungent pickled cabbage, and succulent marinated beef. Welcome to a country that boasts over 5,000 years of history. Welcome to Korea. Hi my name is Chae Lin Oh and I'm going to introduce you to Korea today.

First, I want to talk about some famous places in this country. Nagan Folk Village in Suncheon is the best preserved walled-fortress vilage of the Chosun period in Korea. A massive stone wall and four battlements encircle the village. These were constructed to protect people from Japanese pirate raids. Gyeongbok Palace in Seoul is a royal palace that was built in 1394. This palace remained the main seat of power for Korean kings for many years and was the largest palace of the five grand palaces built in the Chosun dynasty. The name of the palace, Gyeongbokgung translates in to English as "palace of shining happiness". These are the places where Korea made its soul and spirit. I hope you respect them like I do.

Second, I want to mention Jeonllanamdo's famous festivals. WE have the 2013 Suncheon Bay International Garden Expo. the Young-nam Formula One GRand prix, and the 2012 Yeosu World Expo. The Suncheon Bay International Garden Expo will be held over a period of six months and will showcase Suncheon bay; one of the world's top five coastal wetlands. The F-1 grand prix will be in operation for five years, will bring both Korean people and foreigners together and help advertise Korea to a global audience. The Yeosu Expo will exhibit marine life, the excellence of Korean culture, and high-end information technology. 8 million visitors and over 100 countries are expected to take part. So much happens in this small area!

Third, I have to talk about "Kimchi" and "Bulgogi" two of Korea's most famous foods. Althought kimchi-fermented pickled cabbage- fives off a strong, garlicky smell and tastes pretty spicy the World Health Organization named it in the top five healthiest foods on the planet. Bulgogi is a Korean dish that usually consists of marinated barbecued beef. Bulgogi literally means "fire meat" in Korean, which refers to the cooking technique-over an open flame- rather than the dish's spiciness. I highly recommend that you try these delicious an dhealthy Korean foods!

Fourth, I will discuss Korean culture. After the 1997 Asian Financial Crisis, Korea was left crippled and forced to borrow 30 billion dollars, including 19.5 billion dollars from the IMF. However, against all odds, Korea's economy rose up very quickly and all debt was paid back nearly three years ahead of schedule. Foreigners called this: "a miracle of Han river". This fighting spirit is present in all Koreans and probably exists because Korea has been subjected to numerous attacks throughout its long history. Despite boasting some magnificent mountains like Jiri, Halla, and Baekdu, Korea's terrain is not very fertile. In fact, around 70% of the country is covered by mountains leaving only around 22% arable land. This means that Koreans have to work harder than most other countries in order to be successful. Thus, I think Korea is a very intelligent and talented country because we don't have much productive land, gold, oil, or any other valuable raw materials yet our country has became one of the G20. Not bad for a small peninsula located south of China and west of Japan!

Today, you've heard about some famous places like Nagan Folk village and Gyeongbok Palace fantastic festivals such as the Suncheon Bay International GArden Expo, the Young-nam Formula One GRand prix, and the Yeosu World Expo Korean cuisine - kimchi and bulgogi, healthy pungent cabbage and delightful succulent beef and Korea's hardworking culture, which is shaped by its long history of oppression and its mountainous territory. I've shared Korea with you, now I hope you can share another treasure with me! Thank you for listening.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

This film's name is "Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter, " and I will talk about the first part of the film(Spring).

This story is about the young boy that likes to tie animals with rock and see animal in pain. One day he was tying fish, frog and snake as he always do, his master saw him doing that horrible thing. So the boy's master ties a rock to the boy and tells him to find every aimal he tied and release them. Boy tries to find the animals and he feels a lot of pain moving with the rock tied in his chest.

The boy feels really sad and regret when he find out that 2of the anymal is dead in a horrible way. In my opinion, the punishment master gave it to the boy is really good. Fastening a rock to the boy makes him feel how the animal feel. Also, when the boy found out two animal is dead because of him, he felt really bad and sorry. So he will never tie a rock on animal again. If the master just slap his hand or tel him not to do that again. I will bet the boy will do that again. Making boy see what horrible thing he did is a good way to make him reflect himself and that was the best punishment ever.